After reading the articles written in Global Issues in Context (see endnotes to reference the articles), it can be identified two different (not opposite neither the unique) postures for the issue that can be considered on e of the most debated in recent years: Global Warming.
The most defended idea, and one that is often taken because of the scientific proof it is offered, is that of course the global warming is happening in an unprecedentedly accelerated rythm: the climate measures can prove it and the effects can be seen all around the world. A parallel posture state that this acceleration is a direct effect of human activity, specially of the release of greenhouse gases and the damage in the ecosystems, which difficult the stabilization of the environment.
But, in the article by Sophie N. it is established a different and also parallel posture of this problem: it is recognized that there cannot be denied the facts: rising temperature, changes in water and air flows, the ozone whole and so on. In addition, its main demand is that the situation is "overexploited" by politic-economical interests. This article recognizes the nature of the earth to change in regular periods, as the geological investigations have proved, but also emphasizes that it has create a global concern, with new objectives and of course new strategies. The important aspect came when this strategies have the "excuse" in the global warming and respond to other interests: it has been criticized the announced concern of superpowers with the almost null commitment they have in reducing greenhouse gases emissions. The example cited is the case of USA and China, which are highly polluting countries which are in a struggle for a reduction in the industrial activities of the opposite. This demands, state the article, seems to have an economic interest under the water in the crucial struggle for being the most powerful country: USA trying to keep this status that nowadays belongs to it, and China to continue with the exponential growing it has displayed in the last decades. Both need for this purposes the less possible restrictions in the economic activities, and the reduction of greenhouse gases (considering also the protection of soil from deforestation and the control of urban growing) are drawbacks in these purposes.
My opinion is that we cannot ignore the facts, and what we can do is respond to them looking for the most adequate solution in both short and long term scenarios. I consider that the struggle for a dominant nation is something that, historically, has almost no possibilities to stop, and by looking this aim as a priority, is hard that a country have a serious commitment with the environment. But i also think that the use of a global situation as an excuse is an out-of-context strategy that deserves the non-approval of the society: and is the denying of the posture of the country what must be supported, not the denying of the global warming, because as it was stated previously, is a situation with almost clear causes but with defined effects, and it must be treated as this: a global situation that requires a global plan of action that respond to the benefit of everyone, and not private interests.
to see the complete articles:
ESS in excESS!
This space is intended to be useful during this extraordinary course of Environmental Systems and Societies. A subject such as this demands specific and detailed data about how the environment is formed and how it works, besides the most recent and relevant events regarding ecological issues. And what could be better than a blog to have and share all this information. I hope all posts will be useful to create an ESS thinking; also I am looking forward to learn from the comments you leave.
martes, 8 de febrero de 2011
Pollution management
Types of monitoring:
Methods to asses pollution
- Measuring the consentration of pollutants
- Cualitative research
- Indicator Species
Methods to asses pollution
Benefits: reliable, straightforward data,
Drawbacks: dificulties to transport equipment
Benefits: wider variety of instruments and methods, repetition of experiments
Drawbacks: samples are not "fresh"
Pollution Management Strategies:
Key Questions
1. What challenges does each type of pollution present?
2. Why?
3. What can be or is being done?
Three level model:
1. What challenges does each type of pollution present?
2. Why?
3. What can be or is being done?
Three level model:
- Human activity producing pollutant
- Release of pollutants into environment
- -Long-term impact of pollutants on ecosystem
Major Pollutants!
Pollutant | Causes | Effects |
Suspended Particulate matter | Cement mines, vehicles, fireplaces, coal-burning | Pulmonary problems such as asthma and severe damages to the lungs. It reduces visibility in the environment. |
Ozone | It came from the reaction of VOC’s (volatile organic compunds) and nitrogen oxides during photochemical proceses. | Causes health problems such as coughing and shortness of breathing. It contribute to the greenhouse effect |
Nitric compounds (Nitrogen oxide and nitric acid) | Combustion of fossil fuels, sewage and fertilizers. Also came from the natural cycle of nitrogen and photochemicla reactions | It caused acid rain, contribute to the formation of ozone and can have negative impacts on health. |
Sulfure Compunds (Sulfure dioxide and sulfuric acid) | Burning of coal and oil | It caused accid rain, allowing the presence of acid wáter bodies and acid soil. |
Carbon Compunds (Carbon Monoxide and Carbon dioxide) | Burning of fossil fuels, incomplete combustión, as a result of the carbón cycle. | CO affects the oxygenation of the body, can alter the ph of wáter and also contribute to the greenhouse effect |
Mercury | It is highly used in electronic devices and its damaging face is a result of the unapropiate e-waste management. Burning e-waste to separate metals create mercury vapors highly pollutant | It is highly toxical to the human body: can causes cáncer. It is a heavy metal compund that also act as a damaging abiotic factor in ecosystems. |
Waste and Pollution!!! +o(
Waste: Is any unwanted product that is result of natural or artificial processes.
Pollution: Is the harmful excess of wastes present in certain ecosystem
Tolerance Levels: Is the amount of waste an ecosystem can handle until it became pollution
Types of Pollution:
Point source: Is all the pollution that came from an identified source
Non-point source: Is the pollution whose source cannot be identified as unique.
Pollution: Is the harmful excess of wastes present in certain ecosystem
Tolerance Levels: Is the amount of waste an ecosystem can handle until it became pollution
Types of Pollution:
Point source: Is all the pollution that came from an identified source
Non-point source: Is the pollution whose source cannot be identified as unique.
Policies and their Effect on Human Population
There can be applied population management strategies in country levels in order to control the population dynamics inside a nation. Here we can compare strategies in countries such as Australia and Brazil, defined by its conditions, its aims and the strategies themselves:
- Have a considerable old segment of the population because the baby boomers are getting older.
- There have been an increase in the migration into the country
- There have been a constant birth rate
- Most of the population live in urban areas, in the west coast of the country.
- Meet the labor requirements
- Economic stability
- Sustainability across the country in terms of resources.
- Improve connections between regions and infrastructure
- Increase food production without having a negative impact in the environment
- Immigrants on work visas will face a much more simplified process.
- Infrastructure development projects will focus on those areas that present the most growth.
- Economic policies are working to strengthen connections with international companies.
- Agricultural policies are working to increase food production, but limiting the amount of additional resources that are used. (Target: Low input, high yield)
- Working to relocate people in order to limit the growth of urbanized areas so as to protect biodiversity and avoid the habitat degradation and loss.
- High birth rate
- High levels of child mortality
- Serious problems of unemployment
- Growing economy, but inadequacies in the distribution of wealth.
- Population divided by regions (most populated west coast)
- Control population growth
- Adequate distribution of wealth (increasing and stable middle class)
- Employ security for growing generations
- Meet the requirements of basic services for young people (health and education mainly)
- Assurance of employment to brazilian born people before any foreign employee.
- Campaigns of birth control and familiar planning.
- High investments in universal education.
ConclusionsAs the brief analysis suggests, both countries have awareness in their population requirements for the future: both require a future that guarantee job and employment unless Australia need the workforce while Brazil is predicting to have a strong workforce due to the growing population. Australia is focusing in providing more services to elder people while Brazil is looking into the young people to be healthier and well preparated.
viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010
miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010
Population Pyramids
What do it tell us:
*Population distribution
*Population changes
Types of pyramid shapes: (in stages)
*Population distribution
*Population changes
Types of pyramid shapes: (in stages)
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